
Sustainability at the core

Care for the environment, the people, the local community, and attentive, responsible corporate governance with a long-term vision have guided our actions, enabling Officine Ambrogio Melesi to cross the seventy-year milestone.

At Officine Ambrogio Melesi, we believe that commitment to sustainability is a key, concrete and measurable factor.

Our will is to promote greater awareness and responsibility in all ESG areas by embarking on a voluntary and dedicated path to measure our impact. It is a path that bears with it the need for strong changes in the way we operate, a collective path that permeates transversally our approach, and that of our employees, to our work.

It is with everyone's contribution that our ambitions are transformed into facts, year after year. 

We do not just comply with regulatory obligations, but we aspire to be a real driver of change by ensuring that what is written in sustainability reports is always grounded on a principle of truth and clarity, and that words are followed by concrete and consistent actions.

Through its business model, Officine Ambrogio Melesi is actively committed to contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

Each material theme, from energy efficiency to worker health and safety, has been associated with specific, measurable and time-bound goals. Through continuous monitoring and implementation of concrete actions, we are committed to achieving these goals on time.

Sustainability Strategies

Our ESG Plan (Environmental, Social, and Governance) represents a strategic, long-term commitment towards sustainability, with the goal of integrating ethical and environmental principles into business decisions and operational processes. Through this plan, we aim to promote a balanced growth, that will generate shared value for our stakeholders, while reducing the impact of our activities on the environment and improving social welfare.

The plan does not just meet regulatory obligations, but it aims to go further by actively contributing to the achievement of broader global sustainability goals in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The functioning of the ESG plan is based on structured planning, which identifies issues material to our business, that is, issues that have a significant impact on the company and society as a whole. This approach enables us to continuously improve our environmental and social performance, with a positive impact on all sides: economic, environmental and social.

ESG Dimensions

For each dimension, results and targets are measured through GRI standards and associated with the United Nations Development Goals (SDGs).

Environmental dimension

Officine Ambrogio Melesi & C. srl has adopted a proactive and systematic approach for managing its environmental performance, integrating environmental protection and occupational safety within its Integrated Management System that complies with the international standards UNI EN ISO 14001 and UNI ISO 45001. The company management, recognizing the centrality of the human factor and the relevance of collective responsibility, has emphasized three fundamental principles that guide its environmental policy: knowledge, involvement and continuous improvement.

Comprehensive knowledge of business processes is considered the starting point for identifying and minimizing sources of environmental impact. Through the active involvement of all of its staff and continuous skill development, the company is committed to reduce the impacts of its production activities on the environment by promoting a responsible use of resources and by adopting the best available technologies to prevent pollution and wastes.

Fight and adaptation to climate change - Environmental footprint -Energy efficiency

Main performance indicators 2023:

Social Dimension

Officine Ambrogio Melesi & C. srl places the valorization of people at the core of its strategy, promoting a culture of safety and well-being that involves all corporate levels. Through the implementation of an Integrated Management System that complies with international UNI ISO 45001 standards, the company is actively committed to the protection of workers' health and safety, strengthening collective awareness and sense of responsibility.

The company's social policy is based on three key pillars: prevention, participation and continuous growth. The prevention of occupational accidents and illnesses is a priority, pursued through the rigorous adoption of safety practices and the deployment of the best available technologies. The company encourages the active participation of workers, promoting open dialogue and involving them in key decisions related to safety and well-being in the workplace.

In addition to ensuring compliance with current regulations, Officine Ambrogio Melesi & C. srl aspires to promote a safety culture based on values and behaviors that go beyond the observance of formal requirements. The company has developed training and awareness programs to strengthen its employees' skills and reduce the risk of human error, a crucial element in preventing accidents.

Occupational health and safety - Human capital wellbeing and development

Main performance indicators 2023:

Supporting Local Communities and Territory through Donations

In 2023 Officine Ambrogio Melesi supports the local area in a tangible way, supporting social and sports initiatives at local level.

  • The company supports the amateur sports club Pallavolo Lecco Alberto Picco. In 2023, the company reconfirmed itself among the top sponsors of the club.
  • In 2023, a new 9-seater Volkswagen Caravelle 4x4 vehicle was donated by Officine Ambrogio Melesi & C srl to Soccorso Alpino Valsassina-Valvarrone of the XIX Delegazione Lariana as a way of expressing gratitude to the association and its volunteers for their work in the area at the service of the community.
  • Officine Ambrogio Melesi supports the Ernesto Pellegrini ONLUS Foundation, whose commitment is to help those in difficult economic and social situations. The company stands by the foundation, supporting the activities of welcoming, supporting and actively listening to less fortunate people, contributing to their reintegration into society.
  • In 2023, the company supports scientific cancer research, supporting the activities of the AIRC Foundation for Cancer Research.
  • In 2023 Officine Ambrogio Melesi contributes to the renovation of the Church of S. Andrea in Pasturo (LC). The renovation activities resulted in the remaking of the roof.
  • During Christmas time, the company adheres with voluntary donation to Save the Children's activities, supporting the campaigns and activities promoted by the organization.

Training courses

Strong in its values and history, Officine Ambrogio Melesi has always placed human resources at the core of every business process, creating value through individual talents. It is for this reason that continuous training is at the very center of our goals, in order to have qualified and competent personnel, to be able to face any request coming from economic, social, cultural and labor world evolutions.

During the year 2023, 5,554 hours were provided on the following training activities:

  • Environment & Safety 595 hours
  • Quality and Laboratory 1,660 hours
  • Production, Processes and Design 1,195 hours
  • New Hires and Apprentices 2,104 hours

Corporate Welfare

  • The company applies contract welfare, that is, solutions that are provided to employees by making available welfare goods and services;
  • Purchase vouchers have been made available as well.

During 2023 Officine Ambrogio Melesi hosted 9 students for school-to-work alternation paths, and professional internships promoted by Higher Technical Institutes.

This is a valuable opportunity that the company offers to young students, allowing them to experience firsthand the typical activities of a specific job and bringing into practice theoretical concepts acquired from school training hours.

Governance Dimension

Governance in Officine Ambrogio Melesi & C. srl is based on solid ethical principles that guide every aspect of the company's activities. The company's Code of Ethics defines the essential guidelines so that all people operating for the company, internal and external, respect the values of transparency, fairness and responsibility. These principles are the basis on which to build a relationship of trust with customers, employees, suppliers and all other stakeholders. Failure to adhere to these values could seriously undermine trust and cooperation between the parties, potentially causing significant damage.

Among the fundamental principles of Officine Ambrogio Melesi's governance is compliance with laws and regulations, both nationally and internationally. The company is committed to complying with all regulations in force in the countries where it operates, ensuring responsible and legally compliant management. Likewise, fairness and honesty are the basis of professional relationships, which must be marked by fairness and respect, avoiding any form of prejudice or discrimination.

In addition, respect for confidentiality and privacy is an essential value. Officine Ambrogio Melesi guarantees careful management of sensitive information, avoiding the disclosure of confidential data and always operating in compliance with privacy regulations.

Regulatory Compliance

Main performance indicators 2023:

Monitoring and improving ESG performance

Officine Ambrogio Melesi continues on its path of growth in sustainability, adopting the Open-es and SUPPLHI platforms to monitor and improve ESG performance, responding to the ever-increasing demands for transparency and commitment, from customers and supply chain partners.

Joining the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) program is a further step toward a more comprehensive reporting of environmental impact and emissions reduction, strengthening Officine Ambrogio Melesi's commitment to a more sustainable future.

Sustainability Report 2023

The documentation we present, and the activities and commitment it represents,
confirm our path toward a unique, extensive, and tangible ESG strategy that will guide us into the future.


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